Queen Ofir

Ofir Engel is CEO and founder of Passion Show Records and is an international entertainer, award-winning singer/songwriter, producer, composer, actress, and TV show producer, Certified Life Coach, and the star of the Dare to Live with Passion Podcast.

Love and Positivity is Universal!
Queen Ofir Brings a World of Support to Her Faithful Podcast Listeners
Queen Ofir's powerful influence on the greater good extends far beyond her role as an artist, performer, and philanthropist. In 2023, Ofir developed the Higher Frequency Broadcast platform and soon after launched Dare to Live With Passion, an exciting new podcast program designed to help listeners achieve success in all aspects of their lives. Bringing her own experiences into the discussion, combined with detailed and thorough examination of the power of positivity, Ofir opens up to a variety of topics related to the Law of Attraction and its effect on how we all live our lives. Ofir's program content is designed to bring joy, comfort, peace and ultimate success to all who are open to the intense emotional flow of the Universe.

Click on the YouTube link here to go to Queen Ofir's Dare to Live With Passion Podcast Channel
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